

This is the story of Jackson:

“I was 7 years old when I found out,” shared Jackson Renwick, now 10, “I woke up on April 1, 2021, and there was blood in my pee. That’s how we found out something was wrong.”

Jackson was diagnosed with Wilm's Tumor, a rare kidney cancer that primarily affects children. “I was confused,” he admitted, reflecting on the moment he received the diagnosis. His journey began with a series of hugs, kisses, and cuddles from his parents, providing him with the emotional support he needed to face what lay ahead.

“My treatment started with surgery to remove my right kidney and the tumor,” Jackson explained. This was followed by chemotherapy, radiation, and stem cell retrieval. “I had to do treatment twice because the cancer came back in my lungs after the first 6 months of chemo. The next round of treatment was 8 months.”

The treatment was grueling. “It made me feel just awful and very sick. I lost all my hair and could not go to school or play with my friends, so I felt lonely and sad sometimes too,” Jackson shared. To cope with the isolation and discomfort, Jackson immersed himself in building Lego sets, playing video games, and watching YouTube.

Jackson’s introduction to Candlelighters, a support organization for children with cancer, was a memorable one. “I remember getting to pick out a toy,” he said, his favorite event being Halloween Bash, which he cherished for the abundance of candy and fun experiences. “They helped my parents a lot and invited us to do lots of fun things,” he added.

Having completed his treatment, Jackson has embraced life with a renewed sense of joy and adventure. “After I finished, I got to go to Universal Studios, Hawaii, and also went fishing in Alaska,” he recounted with excitement. These trips marked the beginning of a new chapter for Jackson, free from the confines of hospital rooms and treatment schedules.

When asked for advice for other children facing similar battles, Jackson’s wisdom shone through. “Eat a starburst when you get the saline flush; use the numbing cream instead of the freeze spray when you get your port accessed; distract yourself with video games.” His words offer comfort and practical tips, drawn from his own experiences, to help other young warriors navigate their journeys.

Jackson’s story is a testament to resilience and the impact which unwavering support can have on a childhood cancer journey. Despite the challenges, Jackson’s spirit remains unbroken, and his journey serves as an inspiration to many. “Everything is going to be fine,” he assures, a message of hope from a brave young boy who has faced more in his ten years than many do in a lifetime.